1. Pirate Bay Hosting Sails To Spain And Norway
As a result of pressure put onto the Swedish Pirate Party, the decision was made by both the Swedish Party and The Pirate Bay to move its web hosting services to the Pirate Parties of Spain and Norway. Although The Bay had already moved most of it's services "To The Cloud", the Swedish Party was still providing web hosting for the website. Now, bandwidth will be split between the Spanish and Norwegian Pirates, who will be providing The Bay with an "exit node". It is most likely both of these countries were chosen as a result of of their respective courts ruling in favour of defendants of filesharing cases.
Full Article At Wired UK: The Pirate Bay moves to safer shores, Norway and Spain
2. 64 Pirate Parties Worldwide
The number of Pirate Parties worldwide has now reached 64 in total, with 50 of those being active and/or registered in their respective countries, according to The Pirate Times. Australia, Norway and Poland are those most recently to have a Pirate Party registered with the governments of their countries. What's more, there are more 600,000 people are following a Pirate Party on Facebook or Twitter worldwide. Tunisia, Serbia and Isreal have more than one country claiming to be the official one. Maybe the Copyright movement should do a double take at those figures.
Full Article At The Pirate Times: The Pirate World 2013
3. Pirates Without Borders
European Pirate Parties of different countries sharing a common language have started to "twin" and share common knowledge between each other. Known as “grenzenlos Piraten-Partnerschaft” (or Borderless Pirate Partnership), parties in German-speaking parts of the Netherlands and Germany are meeting up to share/copy ideas, with those from Brussels and Liege likely to follow. Here's hoping this could be replicated between UK and Irish Pirates.
Full Article At The Pirate Times: Pilot project for International Pirate Partnerships Announced
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