Thursday, 31 January 2013

Antigua To Launch "Legal" Piracy Site

The World Health Organisation in the last few days has approved Antigua's request to suspend the enforcements of US Copyrights in their country (a decision that any country can make regarding copyright law, including the United States itself). Local authorities are now preparing a new media portal offering millions of films, TV shows, albums and software. It is unsure exactly how the site will work at present.

This comes after years of negotiations regarding the business practices of the United States which resulted in the shut down of the Antigua online gambling industry.

As the goods and services of the website will be available worldwide, it raises an interesting question as to whether the authorities of other countries will pursue those who buy their media from the site. It is most likely that the goods will still be considered "pirate" in the other countries that continue to enforce US copyrights.

I will be interesting to see what affect this will have on the local economy; will it truly drive away investment from multinational businesses and bring the country further down, or will it enable it to create its own jobs and its own economy again?

Source Article:  Antigua’s Legal “Pirate Site” Authorized by the World Trade Organization

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